Images of Singapore on Sentosa Island
(April 17, 2006)
(Note: These photos should be viewed after reading Berita Bethel Vol. 10, No. 2)
Trip Photos
Inside the "Images of Singapore" Exhibit - Is she pulling the belfry bell to signal our coming?

With Amy Ogawa on a trishaw admiring "old" Singapore

Wow! That's not right - a lady trishaw pedaller?

Consulting a medium regarding the future?

Amy & Esther with the Riverboat Restaurant in the background

Coming on board the restaurant

Signboard on the top deck
Close-up of sign board
At entrance of upper deck - note the name "Bethel"
Display of Christian literature and Gospel tracts at the side of the entrance
Display of an open Bible
Note the banner overhead!
Note the three parts of the main text at the back - "Shout for Joy to the Lord all ye Earth"
The Church meeting on the upper deck